Fellowship holders selected

Team members will deliver innovative results

We are pleased to welcome five new members to the e-sensing team. They will help up deliver innovative and important results:

  1. Eduardo Llapa has a PhD on Computer Science from University of São Paulo. Eduardo will work on the development of extending the array database SciDB for geographical data handling.
  2. Alber Sanchez has an MSc in Geoinformations from the University of Muenster, Germany. Alber will develop methods for server-side processing of geographical data in the array database SciDB.
  3. Luiz Fernando Assis has an MSc in Computer Science from Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Luiz is in charge of developing the interfaces between Terralib, R, and SciDB.
  4. Elmer Dotti has a MSc in Computer Science from the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA). Elmer will do a PhD thesis on the development of a spatial data infrastructure architecture for big spatiotemporal data sets.
  5. Rennan Marujo has an MSc in Remote Sensing from the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). Rennan will do a PhD thesis on the development of space-time data analysis methods for large data sets of Earth observation images.