Fellowship holders selected
Team members will deliver innovative results

We are pleased to welcome five new members to the e-sensing team. They will help up deliver innovative and important results:
- Eduardo Llapa has a PhD on Computer Science from University of São Paulo. Eduardo will work on the development of extending the array database SciDB for geographical data handling.
- Alber Sanchez has an MSc in Geoinformations from the University of Muenster, Germany. Alber will develop methods for server-side processing of geographical data in the array database SciDB.
- Luiz Fernando Assis has an MSc in Computer Science from Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Luiz is in charge of developing the interfaces between Terralib, R, and SciDB.
- Elmer Dotti has a MSc in Computer Science from the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA). Elmer will do a PhD thesis on the development of a spatial data infrastructure architecture for big spatiotemporal data sets.
- Rennan Marujo has an MSc in Remote Sensing from the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). Rennan will do a PhD thesis on the development of space-time data analysis methods for large data sets of Earth observation images.